On LBS Attendance Event Monitoring

May, 14, 2008

Categories: Admissions Consulting | London Business School | MBA | MBA留学

My blog was recently referred to in the Businessweek Forums regarding the issue of LBS monitoring who attends their admissions events. Here is my slightly modified reply that I posted on the forum:

I stand completely by my posting regarding LBS monitoring (See here and here). All the emails I quote are real. I deal regularly with admisions officers (hence I have interviews with a few of them on my blog) and would in no way misrepresent the facts. As I also mentioned on my blog, Georgetown is doing the same thing.
I don’t believe that all schools are monitoring who attends their events, but clearly both Georgetown and LBS are. I am not sure what software they are using to do this or whether it is even the same software, but given the quick response, I doubt that this is being done manually. As to how it might impact admissions decisions, I would say it is a marginal consideration, but since it can only potentially help to attend, I would advise applicants to do so.
As I stated in my Georgetown post, I was told by adcom offcers previously when asked that they don’t monitor, but things change, especially if technology enables it. As is clear from my two LBS posts, I found the whole thing rather creepy and invasive, but that is because I believe in a right to privacy, something that increasingly seems to be eroding in both the US and UK. If anyone else knows of schools other than Georgetown and LBS that engage in this sort of monitoring, please let me know as I will certainly be willing to document it on my blog.

Questions? Write comments or contact me directly at adammarkus@gmail.com. Please see my FAQ regarding the types of questions I will respond to.

-Adam Markus
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