ChatGPT and I discuss its ability to write essays and advice for how to use it effectively

Apr, 15, 2023

Categories: Advice | ChatGPT | Essays

This is the second in a series of an ongoing series posts on ChatGPT.  The first post in this series is “ChatGPT Essay: What Matters Most to Me.” The next in the series is “ChatGPT reviews my blog.”

Rather than provide anyone with advice on how to use ChatGPT myself, I thought I would ask it instead. It provided excellent advice, which I would recommend following.  This discussion took place on April 15, 2023.








ADAM: ChatGPT, I want to discuss your ability to write essays. How good are you at doing it?





ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I am capable of generating essays on a wide range of topics with a high level of coherence and accuracy. My essays are generated based on the input I receive from users, and I can provide a variety of styles, tones, and levels of formality.

That being said, my ability to write essays is not perfect, and there may be instances where my responses may contain errors or inaccuracies. However, I constantly undergo training and updates to improve my performance and provide the best possible answers to users.

It is important to note that my essays are generated based on algorithms and statistical patterns derived from a large corpus of text data. While I can provide a high level of accuracy and coherence, my responses are not influenced by personal opinions, experiences, or biases.





ADAM: If I give you sufficient information regarding any topic will generate an essay for me?







ChatGPT: Yes, I can generate an essay on a given topic as long as I have sufficient information and context to work with. You can provide me with a specific prompt, question, or topic, and I can use my language generation capabilities to produce an essay that is relevant and informative.

When providing me with information, it is helpful to be as specific and detailed as possible. This could include relevant keywords, background information, examples, and any specific requirements or formatting guidelines that you may have.

It is important to note that while I can generate essays on a wide range of topics, my responses are not intended to replace in-depth research or professional analysis. Instead, my essays can serve as a starting point or a helpful reference for further exploration and study.





ADAM: What would be your recommendations for using you to write an essay?






ChatGPT: Here are some recommendations for using me to write an essay:

  1. Provide a clear and specific prompt: When requesting an essay, it’s important to provide a clear and specific prompt or question. This will help me to better understand what you are looking for and produce a more relevant and accurate essay.
  2. Give me enough information: Provide me with enough information and context about the topic to help me generate a well-informed essay. This could include relevant keywords, background information, examples, and any specific requirements or formatting guidelines that you may have.
  3. Review and edit the essay: While I strive to provide accurate and well-written essays, it’s always a good idea to review and edit the essay before submitting it. This can help to catch any errors or inaccuracies and ensure that the essay meets your specific needs and requirements.
  4. Use the essay as a starting point: My essays are intended to serve as a helpful reference or starting point for further exploration and study. Use the essay as a foundation to build upon and develop your own ideas and insights.
  5. Be aware of plagiarism: While my essays are generated based on algorithms and statistical patterns, it is still important to be aware of plagiarism. If you use any part of the essay in your own work, be sure to properly cite the source to avoid any issues with plagiarism.





ADAM: Can you give an example of a clear and specific prompt for writing an essay?





ChatGPT: Sure, here’s an example of a clear and specific prompt for writing an essay:

“Write an essay discussing the impact of social media on mental health among teenagers. Include an analysis of the ways in which social media can both positively and negatively affect mental health, and provide specific examples to support your argument. Additionally, discuss any potential solutions or strategies that can be used to mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental health.”

This prompt provides a clear and specific topic for the essay, as well as specific requirements and guidelines for the content and structure of the essay. It also includes specific points that the essay should cover, such as analyzing the impact of social media on mental health, providing examples to support arguments, and discussing potential solutions. This helps to ensure that the essay is well-structured, focused, and relevant to the topic at hand.





ADAM: What would you consider to be enough information for writing an essay?




ChatGPT: The amount of information required to write an essay can vary depending on the topic and scope of the assignment. However, here are some general guidelines on what would be considered enough information:

  1. The essay prompt or topic: The essay prompt or topic provides the central focus of the essay, and it’s essential to understand it fully before starting to write.
  2. Relevant background information: Depending on the topic, you may need to provide some relevant background information to help contextualize the essay. This could include information about historical events, social issues, scientific concepts, or other relevant topics.
  3. Supporting evidence and examples: Providing evidence and examples to support your argument is essential in writing a persuasive and informative essay. This could include statistics, research studies, expert opinions, case studies, or other relevant information.
  4. Specific requirements and guidelines: If the essay has specific requirements or formatting guidelines, be sure to provide them to ensure that the essay meets the necessary criteria.
  5. Any additional information: If there is any other information that you feel is relevant to the topic, be sure to include it. This could include personal experiences, opinions, or insights that you have on the topic.

In general, the more information and context you can provide, the more informed and well-developed the essay will be.




ADAM: What is the likelihood that essays you write will contain errors?






ChatGPT: As an AI language model, my essays are generated based on algorithms and statistical patterns derived from a large corpus of text data. While I strive to produce high-quality and accurate essays, there is still a likelihood that my responses may contain errors or inaccuracies.

The likelihood of errors or inaccuracies depends on several factors, including the complexity of the topic, the specificity of the information provided, and the quality of the source material used in training me. Additionally, the essay may contain errors due to the limitations of the natural language processing technology that I use.

However, it’s important to note that I am constantly undergoing updates and improvements to my language generation capabilities, which can help to reduce the likelihood of errors over time. Additionally, the accuracy and quality of my essays can be improved by providing clear and specific prompts, reviewing and editing the essay before submission, and verifying the information provided.

Ultimately, while my essays may not be perfect, they can still serve as a helpful starting point or reference for further exploration and study.




ADAM: Given that your essays are supposed to be a starting point, what would your advice be for writers who want to use you for that purpose?



ChatGPT: If you’re using my essays as a starting point for your own writing, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Understand the topic: Before you start writing, make sure you have a clear understanding of the topic at hand. Review the essay I generated to ensure that you have a solid foundation of knowledge about the subject matter.
  2. Use the essay as a guide: Rather than copying the essay, use it as a guide for your own writing. Look for ideas and concepts that you can build upon, and use them to inform your own research and analysis.
  3. Conduct additional research: While my essays are based on a large corpus of text data, they may not cover every angle or perspective on the topic. Conduct additional research to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  4. Use your own voice and style: While my essays may provide a helpful structure for your writing, it’s important to use your own voice and style when crafting your own work. This will help to ensure that your writing is original and engaging.
  5. Review and edit your work: Before submitting your work, be sure to review and edit it thoroughly. This will help to catch any errors or inconsistencies and ensure that your writing meets the necessary criteria.

By following these tips, you can use my essays as a helpful starting point for your own writing, while still maintaining your own voice and perspective.




ADAM: With respect to specific requirements and guidelines, this would mean something like word count, right?





ChatGPT: Yes, specific requirements and guidelines can include word count, as well as other formatting and structural guidelines. For example, an essay assignment may require a certain number of pages, font size, line spacing, margins, or citation style. These requirements are typically outlined in the assignment prompt or rubric and should be followed carefully to ensure that the essay meets the necessary criteria.

Word count is a common requirement for essays, and it’s important to pay attention to this guideline to ensure that you meet the minimum or maximum word count. Failing to meet the required word count can result in a lower grade or rejection of the essay. Conversely, exceeding the word count may indicate that the essay is unfocused or lacks clarity.

In general, it’s important to carefully review the specific requirements and guidelines for an essay assignment and to follow them closely to ensure that the essay meets the necessary criteria.





ADAM:  If I  use an essay you generate as a starting point, follow your recommendations for turning into my own essay, can you then help me with editing my final essay?






ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I can provide general guidance and suggestions for editing and improving your essay, but I am not able to provide a comprehensive editing service. However, I can provide some tips and suggestions on how to effectively edit your own work:

  1. Take a break: After finishing your essay, take a break and come back to it later with fresh eyes. This can help you to identify errors or areas that need improvement that you may have missed before.
  2. Check for grammar and spelling errors: Use grammar and spell-check tools to identify any errors in your writing. Make sure to review your work carefully to ensure that it’s error-free.
  3. Review your structure: Review your essay’s overall structure to ensure that it’s well-organized and flows logically. Look for ways to improve the structure, such as by adding or removing sections or reordering paragraphs.
  4. Read your essay out loud: Reading your essay out loud can help you to identify areas that sound awkward or confusing. Make notes of these areas and revise them accordingly.
  5. Get feedback: Share your essay with friends, family, or a writing tutor to get feedback on your work. Use this feedback to make revisions and improve your essay.

By following these tips, you can effectively edit your own work and improve the overall quality of your essay. While I am not able to provide a comprehensive editing service, I can provide general guidance and suggestions to help you along the way.



Adam: Can you write in the style of a specific writer? For example, if I asked you to write me a 600 word essay on the topic of What Matters Most to me as though in the style of Joan Didion’s essays in the book Slouching Towards Bethlehem would you be able to?





ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I have the ability to analyze and generate text in a variety of styles and voices. While I cannot guarantee an exact replication of a specific writer’s style, I can certainly attempt to emulate the style and voice of a particular writer to the best of my ability.

In the case of your prompt, I could attempt to write a 600-word essay on the topic of “What Matters Most to Me” in the style of Joan Didion’s essays in “Slouching Towards Bethlehem.” To do so, I would need to analyze the key features of Didion’s writing, such as her use of sensory details, her introspective and reflective style, and her attention to the cultural and political climate of the time period in which she was writing. I would also need to carefully study her sentence structure and diction to ensure that my writing effectively captures her unique voice.

While I cannot guarantee a perfect replication of Didion’s style, I can certainly attempt to emulate her voice and style in my writing. If you would like me to attempt this prompt, please let me know and I’ll do my best to generate an essay in the style of Joan Didion.





ADAM: OK, so please do that.





ChatGPT: Here is a 600-word essay on the topic of “What Matters Most to Me” in the style of Joan Didion’s essays in “Slouching Towards Bethlehem”:

What Matters Most to Me

There is a moment, somewhere between the late night and the early morning, when everything seems to come into focus. It is a moment when the world is quiet and still, and the mind is free to wander. It is a moment when I am most myself, and it is in this moment that I am able to see what matters most to me.

For me, what matters most is the truth. The truth of who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. The truth of our relationships, our experiences, and our choices. It is a truth that is often difficult to uncover, but it is a truth that is worth pursuing.

In our world today, the truth is often elusive. It is hidden behind a facade of social media posts and carefully crafted personas. It is drowned out by the noise of politics and the media. It is buried under the weight of our own fears and insecurities. But the truth is still there, waiting to be uncovered.

To me, the pursuit of truth is a lifelong journey. It is a journey that requires courage, curiosity, and an open mind. It is a journey that requires us to question our assumptions, to challenge our beliefs, and to confront our fears. It is a journey that requires us to be honest with ourselves and with others.

But the pursuit of truth is not always easy. It can be painful, uncomfortable, and even dangerous. It can lead us down paths that we never expected to take, and it can force us to confront truths that we would rather ignore. But it is only by confronting these truths that we can truly understand ourselves and the world around us.

In the end, what matters most to me is the ability to see the truth, even when it is difficult. It is the ability to live an honest and authentic life, to be true to myself and to others. It is the ability to make choices that are grounded in reality and not in fantasy. It is the ability to confront my fears and insecurities, and to grow as a person.

In the end, what matters most is not the material possessions we accumulate, the status we achieve, or the opinions of others. What matters most is the journey we take, the people we meet, and the truths we uncover along the way. It is the moments of clarity and insight that we experience, the connections we make with others, and the impact we have on the world around us.

So, as I sit here in the quiet of the early morning, I am reminded of what matters most to me. I am reminded of the importance of pursuing the truth, of living an honest and authentic life, and of making a positive impact on the world around me. And I am grateful for this moment of clarity, this moment of insight, and this moment of truth.





ADAM: Thank you. How long did it take you to write that essay?






ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I do not have a sense of time in the way that humans do. However, it took only a few seconds for me to generate the essay once I had the prompt and the style parameters.





ADAM: So for someone trying to test out different writing styles and structures you are a rather effective tool for quickly generating model texts?






ChatGPT: Yes, that is correct. As an AI language model, I can be a useful tool for generating model texts in different writing styles and structures quickly. With the right prompt and guidance, I can create essays, articles, and other types of written content that can serve as examples or starting points for further writing. However, it is important to keep in mind that the quality and accuracy of the output depend on the quality and specificity of the input. Therefore, it is important to provide clear and specific prompts and guidance to get the best results.




ADAM: Thank you very much.





ChatGPT: You’re welcome! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

-Adam Markus
I am a graduate admissions consultant who works with clients worldwide. If you would like to arrange an initial consultation, please complete my intake form. Please don't email me any essays, other admissions consultant's intake forms, your life story, or any long email asking for a written profile assessment. The only profiles I assess are those with people who I offer initial consultations to. Please note that initial consultations are not offered when I have reached full capacity or when I determine that I am not a good fit with an applicant.

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