
Accepted at: Wharton and Oxford

Now, when two years of struggle are over, I can say – it’s been all about personality. Above test scores, work experience and career aspirations, the make-or-break factor to admission is how successfully you show your personality.


After first year failure, I researched tens of consultancies to work with. Perhaps, they were good, maybe even great, I don’t know. What attracted me in Adam was his style, which clearly showed his own personality. I bet on that and it’s been the right decision.
All admission officers say that you have to be unique. Most consultants offer quite common ways of doing so. Ironically, there is no a “common” way to be unique. Adam has an instinct to find out what makes you unique. It is his forte. You will be surprised by how easily he understands who you are how to show that most effectively. This is what will lead you to success.

I don’t want to tell about Adam’s professionalism, the breadth and depth of his knowledge, and the incredible value of his insights into admission process – there has been said much about them – I want to give one simple advice: Just read his blog and use the chance of initial consultation to talk to him. Then, if you don’t feel that he is the best person to assist and guide you through the scary and confusing process of applying to a top b-school, then you don’t need any assistance at all.



There are too many things to tell about the whole process, including the tough moments when Adam threw out complete stories and “demanded” that I rethink them again, the funny moments with humor, and the encouraging moments when he said “OK, this is good enough”, and although there is no essay-word-limit here, I want to finish in a quite ordinary way, by saying – “Thank you, Adam!”