
Accepted at: CBS

Adam’s help was instrumental in enabling me to successfully navigate the MBA application process. Right from our first conversation to the day I submitted my applications, Adam helped me in constantly improving my essays and better portraying my story.

Adam’s systematic approach was apparent in the way he evaluated my essays and assisted me in emphasising the key parts of my application. His wealth of experience made his input invaluable. What impressed me most was the promptness with which Adam replied to my mails (in the frenzied, panic-driven state I found myself in during the application process, Adam’s fast and reliable feedback was a huge help) and the patience and meticulousness with which he went over successive drafts of my essays, each time suggesting changes that helped me sell myself even better.

My practice interviews with Adam gave me a lot of confidence. As I later discovered, they were more similar to my actual MBA interviews than I had ever thought possible. Adam was also kind enough to refer me to a colleague of his so that I could get a broader range of feedback. The process really helped me to perfect my content and to best convey my strengths and skills in an interview setting. Furthermore, Adam’s blog seemed to always be replete with information and resources that answered all of my questions regarding the application process.

In summation, I would like to say that Adam’s feedback, his experience, and his unique ability to accurately assess the highs and lows in my application helped me to gain admission to Columbia Business School’s MBA Program. Working with Adam was a most pleasant experience. I cannot praise his services highly enough, and would definitely recommend him to anyone contemplating Business School.